Exclusive Cabins for Exclusive Companions.

Our Promise To You

Your pet’s journey should be an enjoyable experience for your pet and for you. Our number 1 goal is the safety and comfort of your pet. From the moment you drop your pet off, to the moment you pick him/her up, our pet professional staff will be taking care of them as if they were family

Our Story

We always knew Zoe, our Jack Russell terrier, was smart, but then one day, we realized that she was also a brilliant entrepreneur. After all, it was Zoe who gave us the idea for Pet Airways.

With Zoe as part of our family, planning vacations was always a little more complicated. Visiting out-of-state friends or relatives required sophisticated logistics. Weekend getaways always had to be close to home.

It wasn’t Zoe’s fault of course. It was the airlines’. There was simply no safe way for Zoe to comfortably fly with us. She was not a big dog. Just a little one. But a little too big to fit under the seat.

Of course, there’s one thing Zoe was certainly not, and that’s cargo. As we’re fond of telling our neighbor Janet, her boxer Samson isn’t Samsonite, and she agreed. In fact, we met lots of neighbors, friends and even complete strangers who felt exactly the same way.

So we got to thinking. Maybe Zoe was trying to tell us something. Maybe there was a travel solution that would suit her perfectly, and everyone else out there too. Instead of trying to convince the human airlines to treat pets better, why not start up an airline just for pets? And Pet Airways was born.

Whenever we tell people about Pet Airways, the response is so overwhelmingly positive, we’re still amazed we were the first to make it happen.

You see, on Pet Airways, your pets aren’t packages, they’re Pawsengers™, and every step of the journey, we’ll take care of them as if they were our own. While Zoe passed on in June 2010, she will forever be the wind beneath our wings. Now from heaven, she’ll have the best view of all our flying Pawsengers.™

Bone voyage!

Why Choose Pet Airways?


· Pet Airways is a pet-only airline dedicated to the safe and comfortable transportation of your pet.

· Pets are continuously monitored on the ground and in the air by our vet tech staff.

· We fly our own planes, and pets are located in the main cabin, right behind our pilots.

· Our main cabin is fully lit at all times so pets can see their surroundings.

· Once it is OK to move about the cabin, our onboard pet attendant walks up and down the aisle several times during the flight to ensure all our pawsengers™ are enjoying the flight.

· On cross-country flights, we stop halfway across the country so that all dogs can be given a nice walk to stretch their legs, have potty time, and get water and food. Cats are checked to ensure their kennels are clean and then fed and given water.

· Upon arrival, pawsengers™ are offered water before being delivered to their authorized human.

· We provide the carriers, so pet parents don’t have to buy one (saving between $75-200)

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