During the flight, when it is safe for our Pet Attendant to get up, our Pet Attendant walks up and down the aisle checking on every pawsenger to make sure they are comfortable and safe.
In the cargo hold, pets can experience tremendouse stress. When pets are under stress, they need to breathe lots of cool fresh air. The air in a cargo hold is not always cool and fresh.
We make sure that our main cabin has lots of cool fresh air. It’s the same air that our Pilot and Pet attendant breath.
Avoid the dangerous extreme hot and cold temperatures of traditional airplane cargo holds.
Our main cabin temperature is kept between 60-70 degrees for our pawsenger’s comfort.
Extreme darkness in human airline cargo holds causes pet anxiety and stress.
Our cabins are fully lit so our pawsengers can see what’s going on, and our Pet Attendant can check on them at all times during the flight
Your pet’s safety is monitored throughout the trip by our on-board Pet Attendant. We make sure your pet has plenty of fresh cool air, refreshments along the way, and of course potty breaks. You get the peace of mind that your pet is in good hands.
Your pet can experience life-threatening temperature extremes. The temperature in the cargo hold can reach up to 140 degrees on the ground before takeoff causing heat prostration. In the air, the temperature can easily be below freezing.
In an unknown stressful environment, your pet breathes faster to counter the stress.. There is very little fresh air circulating in the cargo hold for your pet which just adds to their stress.
In the cargo hold, your pet is in complete darkness with lots of strange, unfamiliar and loud noises. In the complete darkness your pet will be scared. Not knowing or seeing what is going will just add more stress for them.